This is the age of enlightenment it is now time to shine forth the light of truth to the world filled with love and harmony with the miracles of all creation. The sacred circle is not a new idea, but it is very very ancient. It is where we can all share our knowledge and wisdom together on many levels, matters of the heart, the mind and soul, of world events and the well–being of humanity. From words of wisdom, deeds and actions, we will learn from each other and grow together in peace and harmony, as one global spiritual family. The Sacred Circle is where we all come ‘together’ to create solutions for all humanity upon mother earth. The Sacred Circle template was created, developed and founded in 2014 by a council of Sovereignheirs, Elders, Spiritual Leaders of Sovereign Beings of Mother Earth, with a common goal to assist all to a higher level, to a more spiritual and heart-centered reality. This shift is called “the quickening” towards the ”Great Event” that is about to occur in the very near future. The Spiritual lores are simple, for the laws of God are immutable and eternal, they are our foundations and our inner truth is our light under Gods Divine Lores, Universal Lore, Natural Lores, World Lores. Guided by the Spirit of Truth, the gates to Freedom are opened. The Communities (family groups, tribes, clans, hapus etc), Nations, Countries and United Covenants make up God's Holy Nation and all his territories belong to all sentient beings of God combined.
With the truth all shackles begin to drop away, Freedom is found. Burdens begin to be laid down. Potential is lived. The light is shone into dark places and harmony begins to breath. The greatest sin is not living from within. The only way to peace upon earth and good will to all men is peace within each individual.
This is the age of enlightenment and our time to shine a light of true hope. We now speak of a new way ahead for all of humanity, for we are all united in harmony with all of creation.
The Sacred Circle is where we ‘together’ can find solutions for humanity upon mother earth. If it’s not good for everyone, it’s not good for anyone. So be it.
Responsibilities and Duties
It shall be the duty of the Head Navigators of The Sacred Circles to set things in place on behalf of the sovereignheirs and whose responsibilities and duties will be advised by the Sovereign World Navigators and Wise Circle on the affairs of the Sacred Circle.
All transparency, responsibility and accountability of the affairs of each Sacred Circle shall be open for private viewing and scrutiny including the financial records which are to be kept up to date and in public view at the location of The Sacred Circle.
The Purpose
The purpose of The Sacred Circle is to bring together spiritually like-minded sovereignheirs into the sacred circle to share and openly discuss "Great Plans, Visions and Ideas" for the betterment of God's Holy Nation and sovereignheirs.
The Sacred Circle accomplishes its purpose in the following manner. A sovereignheir presents a great creative idea to the sacred circle. The great creative idea goes through four stages:
Initial discussion about your 'Visions and Ideas' with the 'keepers of knowledge and wisdom', Elders, Spiritual Advisers, Experts, Gatekeepers and Guardians to collate information, collect thoughts and prepare documentation for the sacred circle gathering.
Enter the sacred circle, stand on the 'Flower of Life'symbol and openly present your great creative idea to the representatives of the sacred circle for discussion, approval or disapproval.
An approval will take the great creative idea to the experts within the sacred circle element - Fire, Air, Earth, Water, Ether, of expertise i.e. Free Energy idea would be directed to the specialist team in the Fire Element of the Sacred Circle to harness and implement into the Nations of Aotearoa for the betterment of the sovereignheirs and Mother Earth.
The ideas that are not approved will be reassessed with the assistance of the sacred circle support team for re-submission with the assistance of the specialists of the sacred circle.
Seating Arena within the Sacred Circle
The seating is divided into 5 seating sections. Sovereignheirs nominated by their communities and nations will each be seated in these sections depending on their element of spiritualism and expertise.An example of seating arrangements is as follows:
The Sacred Circle - minimum 14, maximum ??
Equal women and men
Experts and Spiritualist in the field of air, water, fire, earth, ether
1 Chairwomen 1 Chairman
Election of Sovereignheirs
The sovereignheirs will all elect 5 representatives from their community to represent within their The Sacred Circle. The representatives will walk with a true heart and service to the sovereignheirs. Our representatives will have spiritual guidance and expertise in their element of choice (fire, water, air, earth, ether) as well as universal knowledge.
All aim is to decrease in the number of gatherings over issues of debate or action with the emphasis to take the strain off the soverignheirs, not control them is to be the foundations set. That the rule is based on love not fear.
Our Leaders
Build on truth for lasting foundations else corruption allows what is most corrupt to rise to the top. Rule by love not fear the precepts are quite clear, allowance, trust, faith, belief, tolerance and acceptance. Applied with commitment, dedication and a true heart will bring true justice. For those who are true and straight adding philanthrophy, heroism and divine love all these things will be your guide. One cannot hide all the facts then expect a person to make decision based on less than all the information it is no more than taking away the free will of a person in this way all must be revealed by all – All humanity has the absolute right to free will.
Your Responsible for Self
Know this you all take on the responsibility of others which is not yours to do. Each individual person on the planet is responsible for self and theirs to do. Your role here is to ensure this and the on going well being of those you care for, to have all humanity set free as individual sovereignheirs with all the rights and protections of well being, the fair and just distribution of the planets wealth. This is not hard to ensure for you have all been given colours and with thus a care in relation to these things from long ago. These are what you will call your foundations to build upon and from this there will be no more war.
Payment for Services
The representatives shall receive a set amount no one less or higher than another. The representatives will be entitled to allowances determined by each nation: i.e travel, incidentals, accommodation, flights, buses, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
All financial records for the Nation and the council of elders shall be kept up to date and in public view at the location of The Sacred Circle.
Round Circles or Tables
Keep your buildings and your circles or tables round to form a sacred circle that not one is above another for declaration has been done that the round of a circle is representative of God thus entering, enables access to all that is divine.
All in the Sacred Circle are united with one heart and one voice.
Each Nation area is to be responsible for a portfolio i.e. Where the sacred stone is placed that Sacred Circle Nation will take care of the financial portfolio.
All other portfolios will remain with the other Nations of the Country:
Marae & Church
Ideas & Innovation
Administration & Incubator
Conscious Communities
Careers & Volunteers
Mortgage Reduction & Housing
Baptisms, BDM
Humanitarian Projects
Holistic Health& Wellness
Security& Wardens
Travel & Sovereignty
True Potential Learning
Banking &Credit Exchange
Food and Water
We are all First in Time
It matters not which sovereignheir, community, tribe, clan or nation arrived first, for all left the source as one peoples bringing with us, our lore, laws, and customs from the beginning as we shall live it to the end. We have all travelled many lives from the dawn, across the seas of the sky, been placed upon the land of the earth to take up the earth, carried back again across the waters to the beginning in the taking up of the lands of 'Mu'.
No World Government
No World Government shall be large or established without the will and voluntary permission of the people known as humanity nor shall any Governments suppress the peoples rather they shall create elected representatives chosen by the people for the people and in this serve the people and thus God and no body, group or individual shall intercede, groom, control, be invasive, or manipulate these things.
The Balance
When one has freed oneself from darkness the balance is restored, thus endeavour must be made to be free of greed and all forms of violation. Trials and harm need not be the way to grow thus the victory of the soul is to remain within the light thus producing harmony aligned to God and all creation. Apply the golden rule.
Voting is a simple. Every representative in the sacred circle has a Green Button for Approved, Red Button for Not Approved and an Orange Button for Opt Out. An Opt Out vote is a vote that is made totally void. An opt out vote could be due to; religious reasons, or a temporary lack of comprehension as to the subject discussed , etc
Spiritual Gatekeepers
A gatekeeper protects the house of the Creator from corruption and worldly ideas. Stand true to the Word of the Creator and do not waver. Protect the sovereignheirs from following lies, false ideas and wrong doctrine. Protect and cling tightly to the Word of God, protecting the Lord’s house. A gatekeeper must keep the sovereignheirs from stumbling off the narrow path. Gatekeepers are also guardians on the walls. Gatekeepers are trusted elders and spiritual advisors in the servant role of protecting the Lord’s house. They were stationed at all 4 gates (N,S, E, W). They also appointed and teach others around them to guard the gate as well. Their hearts are fully committed to the Lords will. They are always prepared and continually remind others to be ready. Gatekeepers make sure that nothing unholy enters into the Creators house and nothing is allowed to leave unless it has approval. They are in charge of the Sacred Circle items and treasuries of the House of the Lord. The guardians watch for any signs of aggression and blow their trumpets, warning all sovereignheirs.
Sacred Circle Gatherings Televised
All meetings of The Sacred Circles shall be televised for general public those who wish to view, it shall be the responsibility of the people to make aware through their representation the issues of the day and any weaknesses of the common laws of good that must be rectified. In this way all are involved in the keeping of the law and the honesty of all sovereignheirs to the Sovereignty.
Each sovereign has the right to privacy without invasive.