Masters of Ceremony Arikinui-Kawenata :Marsich-Crown: and Anointed ones will lead the Baptism of 144,000 Strand DNA Gnome Code of IO Matua.
Meeting Point: Hokianga Date: 22nd - 24th September 2023 Location: Hokianga (Four Square Store, 29 State Highway 12, Opononi 0473, New Zealand) Address: Sacred Water 'Wai Tapu' Accomodation: Book Ahead, Marae or Camp Time: 5am to Sunrise is the Gathering Dress: A White Gown Pre-Requisite: Affiliate by completing the form below $99 For Baptism Documents
Requirements: White Gown and two copies of your Birth Certificate BDM107 An offering to the Gods in exchange for your Crown
All participants will receive their 'Tribal Sovereign to Crown Baptism Certificate' Certified and Sealed by Guardians of Divinity