We have joined the dots so you can all recognise and understand the systems and manipulative manoeuvres used that have culminated with the elite taking and having power and control over you. Together we can change these farcical systems so they work and are to the benefit of us all. Through education and understanding we can make it happen.
Learn the Birth Certificate fraud, the slavery system and awaken your consciousness - Go to Exodus - http://exodus200.wordpress.com/
Learn about the biggest banking fraud in history [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFDe5kUUyT0&w=560&h=315]
Vaccines are created to kill or enslave the population. The webpage below is an excellent resource on the dangers of vaccines: http://educate-yourself.org/vcd/
Microchips are introduced in the bodies of adults and children ( already applied in the USA and Brazil) with no prior information available to populations. This is to get total control over all of us. If it is for our own good, as they say, why is the population not informed about it? http://www.redbubble.com/people/chrisjoy/writing/2842588-warnings-about-the-human-microchip
Chemtrails are being spread by aircraft which contain toxic chemicals like Barium, aluminum-coated fiberglass (known as CHAFF), radioactive thorium, cadmium, chrome, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, ethylene dibromide and polymer fibers. Barium can be compared to the toxicity of arsenic, which slowly weakens the body immune system. http://www.globalresearch.ca/chemtrails-the-consequences-of-toxic-metals-and-chemical-aerosols-on-human-health/19047
Dangerous drugs tested on human beings in countries such as Brazil or even entire continents like Africa and Asia because they are poor. AIDS and EBOLA viruses appear to be created in laboratories specifically for the purpose of genocide: http://www.whale.to/w/ebola.html
Do you have any doubts about what is listed here? SEEK AND INFORM YOURSELF TO KNOW THE TRUTH. ” The truth shall set you free ” ( words of Jesus). This scenario is repeating itself since thousands of years, we are controlled and manipulated by a handful of people which inherit the power from generation to generation. Many of these Elite exist in about 13 or so families: the Morgans, the Rothschilds, The Bushes, the Rockefellers, etc.). They have been very powerful until now because we did not know the truth. They were so powerful that nobody never questioned them or what they required of us through taxes, laws, sacrifices of all kinds, hard work and the like. All this without significant changes and growth for humanity! From promises to promises they have stolen all creativity from us, removed the joy of living, and disabled our ability to create. We have forgotten to love our selves and each other, we have lost freedom, not to mention the damages to the Earth. Here we are ON THE EDGE OF PLANETARY FINANCIAL COLLAPSE!
Despite all the sacrifices (and hard work), humanity is increasingly ill, sad, and more and more tired. WE CANNOT SAY ANYMORE THAT WE DON’T KNOW ABOUT IT! Governments are the puppets of these families and they take orders. Banks were originally designed to help people to develop in prosperity, but today they are corporation tools using people as cattle. In order to have a better control of the people, they divided all, countries, races, religions (Is not God ONE and the same for everyone?). They have introduced distorted laws that degrade and divide us even more. Putting in jail those who seek to help the world like Nelson Mandela or Gandhi, and many others which sacrifice their lives to help humanity.
Free energy – discovered by Nicolas Tesla that could prevent the oil industry to prosper – was suppressed and forbidden.
The Keshe Foundation - M. Keshe, who released on the 20th of march 2014, free energy patents and teachings, thus allowing us to change and improve our way of living. He has been threatened to death by American and Belgium Governments because of the releasing of this free technology, competing with the Oil /nuclear energy profitable sustainability.
We have agreed to be their slaves for a long time, but today we have the ability to take back OUR planet and our freedom.
We are 7 billion people on Earth – from these 7 billion a majority accepts the “matrix” system out of fear and ignorance or simply because they do not want to know. But most of us (who are aware) are tired of being punctured , deceived , betrayed , abused, ignored by the institutions, being governmental or not. We are at a crucial moment in the history of human evolution. The energies of change are upon us.
WE HAVE THE POTENTIAL TO JOIN TOGETHER, and without fear, firmly and peacefully, we are able to demand the complete withdrawal of all governments AND banks, the withdrawal of all forces of war all over the world because wars, violence and money are of the past and they have demonstrated their inability to make people happy .
The system was created with lack of everything to better manipulate us. It has demonstrated its inability to support and protect life. We, the people of the Earth, do not want it anymore because it does not serve life and humanity.