Our Governance structure has been designed with love, pure intent and full respect for one, another. Aotearoha Kawanatanga is very organic and grounded in its approach to how we have meetings together for the betterment of the conscious communities and our sovereign heirs in the House of God.
OPENING A GATHERING OR MEETING All meetings of Sovereign Heirs begins with a sacred prayer to protect the words that will be spoken in the House of God.
GATHERINGS A gathering, meeting or assembly is important to Aotearoha Kawanatanga and impresses on the people, the significance of the natural order of things. The gatherings of the sacred circles involves the participation of both sexes and a process of greetings and prayer.
COMMUNICATION ETIQUETTE It is important that every participant is acknowledged and known. Participants sit in a circle so that the faces of each individual who stand and speak can be seen. Each individual needs to feel they have the right and time to express their point of view. One may not always agree with speakers but it is considered bad form to interrupt their flow of speech while they are standing on their feet; one has to wait to make a comment. Individuals may be as frank as they like about other participants in the gathering, sacred circle, but usually state their case in such a way that the person who is being criticised can stand up with some dignity in his/her right of reply. From words of wisdom, deeds and actions, we will learn from each other and grow together in peace and harmony, as one global spiritual family.
THE HEART OF THE SACRED CIRCLE The Heart of the Sacred Circle is where we all come ‘together’ to create solutions for the conscious communities. The greatest sin is not living from within. The only way to peace upon earth and good will to all is peace within each other. We now speak and act of a new way ahead for all of humanity, for we are all united in harmony with all of creation. The Heart of the Sacred Circle is where we ‘together’ can find solutions for humanity upon mother earth. If it’s not good for everyone, it’s not good for anyone. So be it.
Our buildings and meeting areas look like this, whether it is simply drawn in the sand or created within a building. This is how it looks….
24 ROUND TABLE NAVIGATORS The community will elect 12 leaders who will be called Navigators. They are choosen from the conscious community to navigate within their Sacred Heart. The navigators will walk with a true heart and service to the community. The navigators will have spiritual guidance and expertise in their element of choice (fire, water, air, earth, ether) as well as universal knowledge. There is no election or election time for navigators. The community choose the navigators and can therefore remove a navigator at any given time. Role of Navigators - The role of the navigators is to build on truth for lasting foundations. Rule by love not fear - allowance, trust, faith, belief, tolerance and acceptance. Applied with commitment, dedication and a true heart will bring true justice. For those who are true and straight, with philanthropy in their heart, heroism and divine love will be your guide. All must be revealed. All humanity has the absolute right to free will.
3 COUNSEL OF ELDERS (PEACE MEN) The counsel of Elders are elected by the Navigators. They are our ‘keepers of knowledge and wisdom’, Elders, Spiritual Advisers, Experts, Gatekeepers and Guardians. They also hold the keys for Justice.
GOVERNANCE RESPONSIBILITIES It shall be the duty of the Navigators of the Sacred Circle to set things in place on behalf of the individuals and whose responsibilities and duties will be advised by the Navigators and Council of Elders on the affairs of the Heart. All transparency, responsibility and accountability of the affairs of the Conscious Community shall be open for viewing and kept up to date and in view at the location of The Sacred Circle of the Conscious Community.
THE PURPOSE The purpose of The Sacred Circle is to bring together spiritually like-minded individuals into the Heart to share and openly discuss ‘Great Visions and Ideas’ for the betterment of Aotearoha Kawanatanga . The Heart accomplishes its purpose in the following manner. An individual presents a great creative idea to the Sacred Circle of the Heart. The great creative idea goes through four stages: Initial discussion about the ‘Vision and Idea’ with the Navigators and Elders to collate information, collect thoughts and prepare documentation for the Heart gathering. Enter the Heart, stand on the ‘Flower of Life’ symbol and openly present the great creative idea to the navigators of the Heart for discussion, approval or disapproval. An approval will take the great creative idea to the experts within the Heart element – Fire, Air, Earth, Water, Ether, of expertise:
Fire: Dedicated to breakthrough technologies. An exciting and explosive exposition of creative arts, dance and theatre, ceremonial traditions, indigenous customs and cultural heritage. Water: Dedicated to human and planetary wellness. Housing remediation technologies and ecological solutions for the environment, and showcase healing arts, traditional therapies & remedies to the world. Earth: Dedicated to planetary ecological awareness & sustainable living, farming, permaculture, raw-food & healthy eating, eco-housing, bio-architecture and new-earth economics. Ether: Dedicated to spirituality, human consciousness, meditation, esoteric disciplines & sacred arts, incorporating workshops facilitated by healers, visionaries, inspirational speakers and wisdom-keepers. Air:Dedicated to breakthrough technologies for air and atmosphere.
The ideas that are not approved will be reassessed with the assistance of the Sacred Circle support team for re-submission with the assistance of the specialists of the Heart.
VOTING ON IDEAS Voting in the Heart of the Sacred Circle is simple. Every navigator in the Sacred Circle has a Green Card for Approved, Red Card for Not Approved and an Orange Card for Opt Out. An Opt Out vote is a vote that is made totally void. An opt out vote could be due to temporary lack of comprehension as to the subject discussed.
SEATING ARENA WITHIN THE HEART The seating is always in a sacred circle around the tree of life symbol. Equal Navigators – Men and Women Experts and Spiritualist in the field of air, water, fire, earth, ether.
MONTHLY GATHERINGS All aim is to decrease in the number of gatherings over creation or action with the emphasis to take the strain off the navigators, not control them is to be the foundations set. That the rule is based on love not fear. Initially it is proposed that gatherings are held every 28 days.
YOUR RESPONSIBLE FOR SELF Each individual on the Earth Mother is responsible for self and theirs to do. Your role here is to ensure this and the ongoing well being of those you care for, to have all humanity set free with all the rights and protections of well being, the fair and just distribution of the planets wealth. This is not hard to ensure for you have all been given colours and with thus a care in relation to these things from long ago. These are what you will call your foundations to build upon and from this there will be no more war.
ROUND CIRCLES OR TABLES Keep your buildings and your circles or tables round to form a sacred circle that not one is above another for declaration has been done that the round of a circle is representative of our Creator and Earth Mother thus entering, enables access to all that is divine. Place a ‘Flower of Life’ in the centre of your circle to seed creation.
PORTFOLIOS Each Navigator is to be responsible for specific portfolios:
Marae & Church
Ideas & Innovation
NGF Development
Conscious Communities
Careers & Volunteers
Land & Housing
Baptisms, BDM
Holistic Health
Security & Wardens
Travel & Transport
True Potential Learning
Credit Exchange
Food and Water
Agriculture, Horticulture, Aquaculture
THE BALANCE When one has freed oneself from darkness the natural laws and balance is restored, thus endeavour must be made to be free of greed and all forms of violation. Trials and harm need not be the way to grow thus the victory of the soul is to remain within the light thus producing harmony aligned to the Creator and all living BE’ings. As one elevates, they will venture and learn the natural laws, gods laws, universal laws etc
SPIRITUAL GATEKEEPERS A gatekeeper protects the conscious community from corruption and worldly ideas. Stand true to the Word of our God and do not waver. Protect the community from following lies, false ideas and wrong doctrine. Protect and cling tightly to the truth, vibration, sound of the Creator. A gatekeeper must keep the community from stumbling off the narrow path. Gatekeepers are also the carved guardians on the walls of the meeting house. Gatekeepers are trusted elders and spiritual advisors in the role of protecting the house. They are appointed and teach others around them to guard the conscious community as well. Their hearts are fully committed to God’s will. They are always prepared and continually remind others to be ready. Gatekeepers make sure that nothing unholy enters into God’s house and nothing is allowed to leave unless it has approval. They are in charge of the Heart items and treasuries of the House of God. The guardians watch for any signs of aggression and blow their trumpets, warning all navigators and sovereign heirs.
Council of Elders
The Council of Elders of the communities shall elect 5 representatives from among themselves in each Community to be guardians of the Community. It shall be their duties and responsibilities to guide and navigate those Community elected representatives on matters of law, lore, tribal lore, customary lore. It shall be the duties and responsibilities to give advice to elected representatives.
It Shall be the duties and responsibilities to officiate the removal of any elected representative from office if that Sovereign heir has exceeded their third warning. The five elders will keep the fires burning for their Community.
The five elders may call emergency meetings where and when appropriate.
Elections for the Sacred Circle of Your Nation
The Community Sacred Circles will then nominate 5 sovereign heirs to represent them in The Sacred Circle of your Nation.
END OF GATHERING Once a meeting has been fully discussed and the participants come to some form of consensus, the gathering concludes with a prayer and the partaking of food.
This Theocracy Structure shows the structure of Lores, Mansions, Realms, Angels and the Holy Trinity, which are all connected to God