Please note that Manpower Outsourcing Non-Government Foundation is an affiliate NGF to Godzone Credit Exchange for NGF's and individual paid volunteers that exchange their time and energy for AURA Gold Light Credit Ether.
Timebanking is a time-based currency. Give one hour of service to another, and receive time credits based on the level of skill you provide. You can use the credits in turn to receive services — or you can donate them to others.
An hour of service is always worth the skill level and value of time credit regardless of the nature of the service performed.
Bronze = 50 Credits (unskilled) Silver = 100 Credits (skilled) Gold = 200 Credits (Professional) 10 Hours a week Volunteer Community Service or half the Hourly rate if not.
It helps to remember that the skill level value rule is rooted deep in the idea that regardless of whether we value what we do in different ways, we share a fundamental equality as hue-man beings.
A Complementary Current-see The focus of Timebanking is on our value based on skill level as individuals. It seeks to connect us through the relationships we create through giving and receiving. It operates in this way as a complement to the money-dominated world we inhabit.
Designed to increase our individual and community well-being, Timebanking takes place through our Godzone Credit Exchange by affiliation, as they give and receive services to each other, or through group and community activities and projects. Affiliates can include individuals & Non-Government Foundations.
Service ONLY Time Banking is for Individual Affiliates and NGF Service Providers to exchange time, energy and services for time credits. This is for their sweat-equity or labour only, and may not include materials.
This videos will help you to learn what Timebanking is all about.
The Steps to Start a New NGF Timebank Starting a NGF TimeBank is a journey, one step after another. And like all great journeys, it calls for thought, planning, commitment, and solid preparation — but the reward for that effort will be huge. Together, you will have created a powerful new sense of community and lives transformed.
Gathering With A Purpose – An Action-Based Introduction to Timebanking for New NGF Timebanks Watch the video below on forming a timebank — and below that, find a list of steps on the journey to having your NGF timebank up and running.
Gathering With A Purpose is a self-guided workshop to get the feel and flow of timebanking. The guides and materials are provided to you, free to download. You can click on Gathering Welcome & Overview pdf to download a pdf that introduces the Gathering.
Timebanking Start-Up, an Overview For a broad overview of the start-up journey, check out the video from Ioby below, and the 7 steps listed below that. You can also turn to the start-up toolkit at the Timebank Knowledge Commons. It was put together by a group of dedicated Timebankers who spent months collecting the vast amount of how-to information created and used by Timebanking pioneers and leaders. They have organized that information and posted it in a forum that allows people to comment on what they find particularly helpful. We believe that you will gain even more from that powerful resources after you have taken part in hosting and presenting TheGathering.
Seven Key Steps
1. Beginning the journey:
What’s your passion? — How will your TimeBank relate to that?
Who will help and support you?
Who do you see joining when it’s up and running?
Who will you ask to join the start-up team?
2. Imagine the possibilities with your partner or team:
Learn more about TimeBanking — use this website, and YouTube has a mass of timebank videos
Contact existing TimeBanks Members through the Manpower Outsourcing Time Banking, Facebook Site, etc.
Lead one or more Gathering With A Purpose workshops to get real life experience of timebanking (scroll up)
Brainstorm with friends and supporters — Share the ideas and get feedback.
Enjoy the dreaming! (This is a really important process.)
Do additional Gathering With A Purpose workshops & gain more experience of doing timebanking — it will be a huge help as you get into planning mode with your group of champions in the next step.
3. Create a “make it happen” group of champions:
Get buy-in from those who will help your TimeBank succeed.
Determine who will take on needed roles.
Create an action plan for first steps, including outreach for TB members.
Plan out possible costs and income sources (however small).
Write up policies and procedures (can be informal).
Get access to Godzone Credit Exchange TimeBank software, and prepare it for your new TimeBank. To learn more about Godzone Credit Exchange TimeBank software and to request that we set it up for your TimeBank, please click here.
Create a flyer or brochure for members.
Start the outreach (go to local meetings, knock on doors, talk to friends, neighbors — all of that). Prepare a members’ handbook and orientation materials.
Here is a Member Orientation Training Guide on how to run an orientation based on the Arroyo S.E.C.O Network of Time Bank‘s guide.
You could make a web site and/or make a social media page of your choice.
Set up your traditional and/or online social media.
Send out invitations to your first gathering.
Make sure that the finances and admin are sorted out and will be taken care of.
Perhaps start a newsletter.
5. Go public, hold your first meetings:
Start with a TimeBank launch event, hand out information, flyers, newsletters.
Sign up your first new members.
Hold an orientation for new members.
Are you good to go with handling the money and admin?
Begin exchanging at the orientations and other events.
Set up an event on Facebook.
6. As it begins:
Help members set up offers and requests.
Set up/celebrate the first exchanges.
Hold regular orientations for new members.
Plan for regular events for members (potlucks, group exchanges.)
Seek out opportunities for targeted group activities.
Watch that you’re TimeBank is good with handling the money and admin.
Celebrate as you go.
Hold trade breakfasts for service providers and career evenings.
Ensure you have plenty of business cards and flyers on hand.
7. Keep Going and Growing:
Keep true to the core values: Assets, Redefining work, Reciprocity, Community, Respect.
Keep those core values ever in mind — we can’t stress this enough.
Find, nurture and support your champions inside and out.
Strive for your TimeBank to be leaderful, and truly owned by its members.
Take care of the money and admin. (Yes, it will always be there…..)
Remember that your TimeBank will become a source of hope, comfort and community in this challenging day and age.
Establish morning meetings on Zoom, Skype or Facetime video conference calls for champion leaders.
So there you have it! It’s a lot of work. Start where you are. Look for others who will join you on this journey. Build a team to spread the work load and to envision the future together.