The concept of time banking is not new as the idea was introduced by Edgar Cahn on march 21st, 2018. It is a concept that has been introduced by Manpower Outsourcing from Global Advertising Internet Network Non-Government Foundation, a not for profit humanitarian project for community involvement around the world.
We are Affiliated to Te Whare Matamuatanga o IO, Aotearoha Kawanatanga or Kingdom of God on Earth, Governance of Love. Manpower Affiliates and Aotearoha Kawanatanga Affiliates and (NGF's) Non-Government Foundations pay volunteers who dedicate their time, energy or service in exchange for 100% CREDITS. Instead of the one to one rule our volunteers get paid for the hours they work multiplied by the skill level time credit value.
Furthermore, Manpower shares 50/50 of any monetary value we receive from any NGF tender. This means we share 50% of the Net balance after expenses to the Manpower Outsourcing Non-Government Foundation and a split share of 50% to any volunteer(s). This is an added bonus as our volunteer(s) earn 100% Skill Level Time Credits Value and a 50% split share of monetary value between all the volunteers assigned to the job or tender. Refer to the frequently asked questions below for more information.
What makes Manpower Time Banking unique? You earn credits for hours on a (3) three level system - Bronze, Silver, Gold. See rates below. Credits can be used on the Godzone Credit Exchange to exchange for products and services of other affiliated members.
How much does it Cost? Before you can exchange in credits and receive or pay volunteers you must be a (FAM) Financially Active Member.
Subscriptions Affiliate Payments CLICK HERE. 7 Plans to choose from.
How much can I receive and how much do I pay for services? For equality purposes we have set the fair and equitable exchange for service rates below, no matter what gender, race, or age of any prospect. ALL Members of Godzone Credit Exchange accept the flat service rate schedule as:
Flat Service Rates Schedule Bronze - 500 Credits an HOUR for unskilled Labour. Silver - 1,000 Credits an HOUR for skilled Labour. Gold - 2,000 Credits an HOUR for Professional Labour.
Once I pay, what happens next? 1. Open a NEW Account with Godzone Credit Exchange CLICK HERE 2. Verify your email address by clicking on the link sent to your email inbox, spam or junk folder or, 3. Login using your username, and password you registered with. You may require Admin to manually approve your account. 4. You can now login to your back-office and you are ready to go. Use your referral link URL's in the top light blue header to sponsor new members. My Ads is where you advertise your products and services. 5. Upload your documents to verify and validate your account.
ALL PAID (FAM) Financially Active Members are upgraded to Platinum Members by Admin and will receive 9 Million Credits in their NEW Account. Each platinum member will be charged a platinum membership fee internally of 100,000 Credits each week. Members who sponsor New Memberships receive a 50% share of the weekly platinum membership fee from each member they personally sponsor. Our pay-it-forward affiliate membership referral program, encourages referral activity to increase personal credits to exchange for products and services on the Godzone Credit Exchange platform. You will need two new sponsor-ships to break-even and more to increase your credit-line.
Now that I am a member of Godzone Credit Exchange what should I do? ALL PAID Members can advertise products and services in exchange for credits. We suggest offering your service or pay someone in credits for a service they are offering so you can get help with things you cannot do. You can list items laying around the home that are idle capacity or unused items. You should make it a priority to sponsor new members to increase your credit-line. Ask local people in your community would they be interested in joining your Time Banking industry to exchange time, energy or services for credits.
What do you recommend to do to learn about the Godzone Credit Exchange? 1. Read the FAQ's on the Godzone Credit Exchange website. CLICK HERE 2. Watch the video's and listen to the Audio's on the After Sign-up page. CLICK HERE 3. Listen to the Avatar Man on each page it appears on.
Can I earn other alternative funding sources of income? Yes, the following links will get you started. Start from $35 USD Bitcoin - Freedom Frenzy CLICK HERE $10 USD Annual Admin FEE - The Billion Coin - TBC CLICK HERE