:Ngāti-Io-Crown-Pāremata-Mātāmuatanga: (by right, as given by the Creator Io Matua) with the power and subsequent authority of that right to henceforth operate under divine lore, through the regulation of our activities, the operation of our customs and usages, to carry out exchange, all under the auspices of the :Ngāti-Io-Crown-Pāremata-Mātāmuatanga: Declaration of Sovereign Independence & Charter through Self Governance processes, so long and in so far as, said governance is not repugnant to the general principals of the Member Nations & Kingdoms. This will be accomplished through the use of our Creator’s doctrine ‘That you do no harm to your fellow man/woman or their property’.
With this in mind and working unified (with all due respect to other Sovereigns, their similarities and or diversities) beyond the scope of non-living entities (i.e.; any fictional corporate entity, fictional quasi-governmental agent/agency, defacto governmental agent/agency and or foreign rule, their agents, agencies and/or principals), we can then facilitate; proper, just, transparent and accountable representation of and to the people through the use of ethical and moral practices, able to be facilitated through the use of consultation, permanence, absoluteness, comprehensiveness and indivisibility processes utilizing; new, current and suppressed technologies out of necessity. The use of renewable and un-metered technologies will be the new norm under :Ngāti-Io-Crown-Pāremata-Mātāmuatanga:.
The ability for us to co-create better outcomes and environments, resides within us all. :Ngāti-Io-Crown-Pāremata-Mātāmuatanga: will administer to our inherent rights through Sovereign Nations Charters, ensuring the aspirations, prosperity and well-being of all, paving the way for us to eliminate famine, disease and suffering, thereby enabling us to finally embrace one another with the dignity and spirit of our creator’s grace and love. "Love, Peace, Charity, Clean, Feed and Teach"
The undersigned individuals, representing the people of :Ngāti-Io-Crown-Pāremata-Mātāmuatanga:, an ecclesiastical state organized and based upon the ancient tribal heritage and principles of Mauri and Originee, constituting individuals of many lands and nations, having been the subject of religious and commercial persecution and harassment, do hereby come together to declare their desire and intent to formalize their tribal sovereign Pāremata and Mātāmuatanga, independent of outside influence, to guide and protect the people of the :Ngāti-Io-Crown-Pāremata-Mātāmuatanga:.
:Ngāti-Io-Crown-Pāremata-Mātāmuatanga: shall be a Pāremata, to be known hereafter as the House of Elders until such time as a formal election may be held as directed under the charter.
:Ngāti-Io-Crown-Pāremata-Mātāmuatanga:, its foundation being the preservation of Freedom, Privacy, and the Individual Safety of its people shall exist perpetually.
The people of :Ngāti-Io-Crown-Pāremata-Mātāmuatanga: have increasingly been obstructed and prevented from carrying on and developing profitable and worthwhile foundations. :Ngāti-Io-Crown-Pāremata-Mātāmuatanga: shall set forth and insure its people of certain inalienable rights and shall at all times, be subject to the influence and direction of its people as guaranteed by the Charter of :Ngāti-Io-Crown-Pāremata-Mātāmuatanga:.
We will in the interim use the roads, fiat currency, services and godzone credit exchange out of necessity.
Therefore, we the tribal representatives of the people of :Ngāti-Io-Crown-Pāremata-Mātāmuatanga:, assembled in general meeting, do hereby, in the name and by the authority of the people, solemnly publish and declare, that :Ngāti-Io-Crown-Pāremata-Mātāmuatanga: is a free and independent, absolved and absent of any and all allegiances, and that all political connections between :Ngāti-Io-Crown-Pāremata-Mātāmuatanga: and all kingdoms, nations, is and ought to be dissolved, and that as an independent Sovereign Kingdom, has full power to levy spiritual war in order to bless its enemies, conclude peace, contract alliances, establish foundations, and to do all other acts and things which independent nations may of right do.
Article 1. We, the Kings, Queens, Hereditary Chiefs & Chieftainess, Ariki of :Ngāti-Io-Crown-Pāremata-Mātāmuatanga:, being Assembled at and near Pakanae, South Hokianga, Te Tai Tokerau, Te Ika-a-Mauī, Aotearoa (Niu Tireni) on this 28th day of October 2019, Twenty Eight Day of October Two Thousand and Thirteen, again declare the Independence of our Mauri Sovereign Mātāmuatanga which is hereby constituted and declared to be an Independent Sovereign Kingdom, casting aside all previous allegiances to the New Zealand Company and/or Government of New Zealand and "HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND', a registered Corporation Entity on the US Securities and Exchange Commission who are not a treaty partner or signatory to "He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Niu Tireni" or "Te Tiriti o Waitangi".
Article 2. All Sovereign power and authority within the (but not limited to) :Ngāti-Io-Crown-Pāremata-Mātāmuatanga: of Aotearoa (Niu Tireni), is hereby declared to reside entirely and exclusively with the Original Sovereign Hereditary Ariki, Chiefs & Chieftainess’s in their collective capacity, who also declare that they will “not permit any (Corpus Juris) legislative authority separate from themselves in their collective capacity to exist”, nor “any function of government to be exercised within the said Sovereign Nation State, “unless by [de facto] persons appointed by them”, and “acting under the authority of Laws/Lores regularly enacted by them in Pāremata Assembled”.
Article 3. The Sovereign Hereditary Chiefs and Heads of Tribes agree to meet in Congress at and near Hokianga, Te Tai Tokerau, Te Ika-a-Mauī, Aotearoa (Niu Tireni) on the 28th day of October, each year, for “the purpose of framing Laws/Lores for the dispensation of Justice under the (Sui Juris) jurisdiction of the Common Law Court of Justice ":Ngāti-Io-Crown-Pāremata-Mātāmuatanga:”, “the preservation of Peace and Good Order”, and the “Regulation of Exchange”, and they cordially invite all other Sovereign Tribes and Nations of Aotearoa (Niu Tireni), Gondwanna Land, Australia and Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa (Pacific Ocean) Tribal Nations to lay aside their private animosities and to consult the safety and welfare of our Common Sovereign Nations and others.
Article 4. They also agree to send a copy of this Declaration to the Hereditary Ariki, Chief & Chieftainess of The Tribal Sovereign Pāremata of Aotearoa (Niu Tireni); Heirs; Successors”, to thank him/her for his/her acknowledgement of :Ngāti-Io-Crown-Pāremata-Mātāmuatanga: and the “International Protectorate 1835 National United Tribes Flag”; and in return for the friendship and protection they have shown, are prepared to show, to such of his/her sovereigns as have settled in :Ngāti-Io-Crown-Pāremata-Mātāmuatanga:, or “resorted to its rivers and shores for the purposes of exchange”, they entreat that “Ariki, Chief & Chieftainess will continue to be a united alliance to their Sovereign Nation State and that “Ariki, Chief & Chieftainess will stand in solidarity with and to defend all those who swear their allegiance to the sovereign nations of Aotearoa (Niu Tireni) and protection from all attempts upon our Independence”. Article 5. They also agree to send a copy of this Declaration to Te Whare Mātāmuatanga o IO, Aotearoha Kawanatanga, (The Kingdom of God on Earth, World of Love Governance), Guardians of Divinity to thank them for their acknowledgement of the friendship and protection they have shown, are prepared to show. They will remain as protectors from all attempts upon our sovereign mātāmuatanga Independence”.
:Ngāti-Io-Crown-Pāremata-Mātāmuatanga: is an Ecclesiastical Mātāmuatanga that operates through Our Newly Instituted Royal Charter. The Focus of Our Mātāmuatanga is Love, Peace, Charity, Clean, Feed, Teach, Truth, Unity, Restoration, Family, Exchange, Philanthropy, Education, and Sustainability.
Formally agreed and adopted on 28th October 2019 via special resolution to include: Pāremata Sovereign Nation State & Embassy, and International Common Law Court.