The Sacred Circle is an ancient social structure which we have applied to Governance of Love.
After several years of working through the basic ideas against the many sectors of our current system, we have come to realise that our ancient ancestors possessed a far superior system than what is currently known today. It was the manner within their communities and culture, that all things have a spiritual aspect dwelling within, that all things were created and imbued with the life force through the mind and breathe of the God, therefore, all things in creation were highly respected and held most sacred and holy.
Although this knowledge has been suppressed, [but not lost] by those who have the tendencies for control and colonisation, this truth is shared by thousands of ancient cultures all over the world. Although they may have called it by different names, but the sacred principles remain the same, many have known it as "The Sacred Circle of Mu or Mother Earth".
Deep down within the heart and seat of the soul of the hue man be-ing, resides the truth of all things. Sovereign cultures who have always had an affinity and a closeness to Mother Nature have been practicing this ancient Art of The Sacred Circle since the beginning of their sojourn on Mother Earth to the present. Today we gather together as always to sit and discuss all aspects of community service for the health well-being of Mother Earth and all who reside upon her . What has kept us from remembering our ways is "we were interrupted". Well, interrupted no more. Let us say this"we are all united and have never been divided".
We are about to share with you the simplicity and joy of The Sacred Circle for your community, your nation, where peopledo notlive divided in fear of each other but rather live in united communities that thrive in abundance on all levels. In our hearts most of us know that there are solutions to our problems, and that these solutions are really simple. Like millions of people around the world we began to realise that there had to be something more to this life than the strife and misery that so many people experience on a daily basis. We were determined to find a solution and we were not going to accept any of the usual feeble answers from a society that has slipped into complacency and accepted its fate as a slave race in blissful ignorance. It became clear to us that humanity had become a deeply divided species "in their minds" on so many levels. In this divided struggle for survival and our relentless quest for modernisation we have become separated from our sustaining mother Earth. This human division is in direct conflict with the laws of nature and the resonance of unity consciousness that seems to be the foundation for all of creation.
The great prophets and teachers of the past all tried to teach us the same wisdom: to stand united; to love each other, honour each other and live in harmony with all of creation. In fact, these are the same values that many of us try to teach our children. But suddenly at some mysterious moment in our lives, things change. We stop paying attention to those higher consciousness values and we fall into the routine of life and become entangled in the struggle for survival.
And so, millions of people are waking up and are standing as sovereign heirs for change all over the world. People of courage and vision who know there is a better way ahead for humanity. It is up to us to be happy or miserable. We choose love and happiness above all. We believe that this is the common thread that binds us all. But many of us do not know how to attain this state of bliss. The great masters taught us that material possessions and riches will not bring us happiness.
So let us actively begin to spread the message of “the breath of GOD”to all humanity, that will allow us to heal and change the misery into abundance, within a global community filled with love for each other, instead of fear of each other.
2019 is the year that we the global community will learn to triumph through thehigher school of learningand The Sacred Circle.
It is on these fundamental beliefs of absolute equality and working together for a common purpose of abundance, in united communities that thrive on all levels of society, that The Sacred Circles are established. It follows the natural order of things in total harmony with nature, our planet, and all of creation. It does not mean going back to the dark ages or living in caves devoid of technology as some may think – in fact it means completely the opposite. Abundance in all spheres of life, beyond our wildest imagination. We can no longer continue on the path we are on. If we are to survive as a species we have to discard all that is in conflict with our own survival and create a beautiful future for ourselves. Quantum physics and the Universal law of Attraction teaches us that the observer can influence the outcome of an event and that we can manifest our thoughts and the things we visualise. Those who have studied higher levels of consciousness will have a more refined comprehension of these laws of nature. But the law of attraction also responds to action – so we need to act and do something to realise our vision. So – let us not only visualise this beautiful utopian world today – let us do something to manifest it with our hearts and the potential for infinite love we all have within us, as part of the infinite creation. The first thing each one of us can do is to share our knowledge and tell others about the bright future for all of humanity. Then work with sovereign heirs to do something else to contribute, create great ideas for mother earth and humanity – something that comes from your heart. Our strength and sovereignty lies the unity that has always been.
“All Sovereign heirs”, we are now collectively establishing and co-creating with God on Earth as our guide, the divine principles of self Covenance through gatherings within a‘Theocratic Sacred Circle’.
The Sacred Circle & Theocracy vs Current System & Democracy
“The Great Works of God and the Sacred Circle”
United within the Sacred Circle, are the Spiritual and Material elements that most fittingly symbolise who and what we truly are, and from whence we came.
It is representative of the great works of our God that depicts the Father, Mother, Child aspects of Creation. As we place trust in the God, we must also place trust in the self for are we not all creations of the God.
However in saying that we need to be mindful, that God gives help to those who serve all with humility, and for those who would use Heavenly things as stepping stones to the Earthly advancement of their ego, pride, greed or ambition, they effectively place barriers between God, themselves and others, for these are the attributes (most of us have borne throughout our sojourn here on mother earth) that has continued to blind us to the many splendors that can be available to us all if we work together.
In Unity we can focus and invest all our creative energies into the grand principle of oneness in order to manifest wondrous communities utilising the many mediums that are available to us, of which the “Sacred Circle” is but one.
Let us all stand united together, taking hold of the sacred treasures handed down from our God, from the heavens to mother earth to our Ancestors, our Sovereignty intact. (E Tatou ma, ‘E piki mai koutou’, kapohia nga Taonga Tapu tuku Iho, na Te Atua, i te timatanga me Rangi me te Whenua, me to Tino Rangatiratanga hoki a nga Matua Tupua.)
The Gathering of the Nations
The Gathering of Nations revolves around the regulation of our activities, the operation of our customs and usages, all under the auspices of the Aotearoha Kawanatanga Charter through Self governance processes, so long and in so far as, it is not repugnant to the general principals of the Member Nations.
This will be accomplished through the use of Our Heavenly Father’s Divine doctrine ‘That you do no harm to your fellow man/woman or their property’.
With this in mind and working unified we can then facilitate; proper, just, transparent and accountable representation of and to the people through the use of ethical and moral practices, able to be facilitated through the use of consultation, permanence, absoluteness, comprehensiveness and indivisibility processes utilising; new, current and suppressed technologies.
The use of renewable and unmetered technologies will be the new norm under Aotearoha Kawanatanga Charter.
The ability for us to co-create better outcomes and environments resides within all Nations of Mother Earth, administering to our inherent rights through our Aotearoha Kawanatanga Charter, ensuring the aspirations, prosperity and well-being of all, paving the way for us to eliminate famine, disease and suffering, thereby enabling us to finally embrace one another with the dignity and spirit of our Heavenly Fathers grace and love.
The Sacred Circle of Mother Earth (The Collective of Nations on the Earth)
All assembled sovereign heirs shall have input into the affairs of The Sacred Circle of Mother Earth through their elected representatives. It shall be the duty of the elected representatives to set these things in place on behalf of the sovereign heirs. The Sacred Circles of each sovereign will nominate 5 sovereign heirs to represent them in The Sacred Circle of Mother Earth.
The Council of Elders
The Council of Elders of all sovereign nations shall elect 5 representatives from among themselves to be guardians of the Mother Earth. It shall be their duty and responsibility to guide and navigate those nation elected representatives on matters of law, lore, tribal lore, customary lore. It shall be their duty and responsibility to give advice to elected representatives. It shall be their duty and responsibility to officiate the removal of any elected representative from office if that sovereign heir has exceeded their third warning. The five elders will keep the fires burning for Mother Earth. The five elders may call emergency meetings where and when appropriate.
The Sacred Circle of Your Nation
A Nation is otherwise considered a; territory; waka district; state; tribal nation etc All assembled sovereign heirs shall have input into the affairs of their Nations Sacred Circle through their elected representatives. It shall be the duty of the elected representatives to set these things in place on behalf of the sovereign heirs.
The Sacred Circles of the Communities will nominate 5 sovereign heirs to represent them in The Sacred Circle of your Nation. i.e In Aotearoa (New Zealand) Maori migrated on 10 waka (canoe). Therefore each waka will elect 5 representatives for their Nation Sacred Circle totally 50 sovereign heir representatives.
The Nation Sacred Circle would then carry the Name of the waka district i.e The Sacred Circle of the Ngapuhi Nation
The Sacred Circle of Your Community
A community can be otherwise known as tribe, clan, mob, hapu, sub-tribe etc. It is you and your community that will elect between 5 and 50 sovereign heirs to represent you and your family to make conscious decisions that will benefit your community.
A community can have as many as 10 wards, territories, area etc therefore the number of representatives for the sacred circle will be determined by the number of wider community areas. Together you visualise, co-create and implement great visions, ideas and projects going forward with the right intent for mother earth and humanity.
The gatherings will be administered and organised by the representatives. Resolutions shall be documented and held in public view for all sovereignheirs to see. Resolutions will be submitted to the Nation Sacred Circle.
The Community Sacred Circle will administer the community roll-out: Information Access, How, Why, When, Where and Community requirements. This will have a roll on effect with: Sacredness, Repatriation, Usage, Art, Historical Significance, Cultural Significance, Memorials and Security.