It is important to inner-stand that our divine Suverän (Souverain) LORE Protectorate of Peace Keepers and our Ekklēsia Courts of Justice and Tribal Counsel, are part of our own cooperative mahi-tahi establishment that is the protectorate ONLY, for Te Whare Mātāmuatanga o IO - Aotearoha Kāwanatanga, also known as "The Kingdom House of IO" - "The World of Love Governance" and any Alliances registered to our un-incorporated global society.
Our Ekklēsia LORE comes from the divine commandments, written in stone by the very hand of Creator, IO Supreme, Almighty God, Most High. WE pledge to be Guardians Of Divinity, protecting the living essence and Sentinel-beings within. WE are a peaceful Nation and Conscience Conscious Community of members around the World. WE serve only ONE Master in LORE that is superior (supreme) to fictitious man-made draconian Roman color of LAW.
Legislation, Statutes or Acts are unlawful and do NOT apply HERE. Policy enforcers and pirate corporations, including governments, are NOT Sovereign/Souverain to Land, Air, Water or Space and requires the consent to contract in commerce by WE THE PEOPLE of the LAND (Tangata wenua o te Whenua). A corporation in corpus juris, does NOT have jurisdiction over any member of our Global Society. WE are born in rite to defend our E-State Suverän (Souverain) Nation in our own sui juris authority given to us by God IO Supreme. WE proclaim that WE have returned to the Divine LORE of Natural Creation of Supreme Source of all natural-living things and WE REJECT and REBUKE Dead-entity Corporations, under the LAW of DEAD fictitious PERSONS.
On the 1st July, 2019 - We launched the Kingdom of God on Earth Te-Whare-Mātāmuatanga-o-IO - The Kingdom House of IO. Aotearoha-Kāwanatanga - The World of Love Governance. It has been a journey beyond imagination. The blessings and the manifestations of the House of Representatives is amazing. The Wise Counsel of Elders meet daily, to discuss the physical works of Ture Tangata. However, WE need to expand our numbers that find more HELPERS, to bring a change to this World, that it so desperately needs. WE are in the process of developing TRIBAL LORE PEACE KEEPERS to escort our Supreme Chief Justice to destinations that WE cannot disclose at present. Lets just say at this point that there are many destinations this TEAM will be travelling to all around the World. The expected $$$ costs are in the tens of thousands for Airfares, Accommodation, Food & Beverages, Court Expenses, Vehicle Hire and much more. WE seek FUNDING, so our TEAM can present documentation that can and will set Case president for future Class Action Lawsuits against the Evil and Wickedness of this World. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED.... and this is the first time I have asked for any HELP. I am reaching out to our Members to DONATE and to SHARE this message to as many trusted sources as humanly possible. Those who GIVE, will RECEIVE a blessing from the Ether immediately. Your contribution will not go un-noticed as I will place your names in THE BOOK. I appreciate you more than you know. PLEASE LIKE & SHARE. Aroha-nui (Great LOVE) PLEASE DONATE by clicking the Button below.
The Kingdom House of IO - The World of Love Governance
Join our People's Protectorate
Do you have a Judge, Solicitor, Ministry of Justice, Law Advocacy, Counselling, Administration, Marshall, Sheriff, Bounty Hunter, Military, Body Guard, Security, Police or Policy Enforcement background?
Are you willing to be re-trained, un-indoctrinated, de-colon-ized, inspired by truth instead of fictitious strawman fraud to enslave hue-manity to help rebuild, trust, honesty, integrity to the world of abused humans enslaved under Draconian Law and the evil perpetrated by law-makers?
If you are Youthful, Strong, Physically fit, Active, Intellectual, Multilingual and Multi-Culturally adept, Sound in mind and a good judge of character who can assess and evaluate on the spot, make quick decisive calls on a variety of behaviours in a calm, peaceful manner to de-escalate a situation to prevent harm to one-self, another hue-man being, domestic animal, any property or the natural environment, WE would like to hear from YOU.
WE also seek Systems Operators, Communication Specialists, Dog Handlers and more....
If you would like to be considered for a LORE Man or Womb-Man position, please complete your expression of interest and message us below to notify us that you have completed it.
Be prepared to provide your Resume or CV, detailing your experience, evidenced work history and skills backed by referees on request. This may be done by video or audio conference calls.
A Contribution Society that contributes 10% of their NETT income to support a LOVE Governance of Divine ORDER under the jurisdiction of LORE of The Kingdom House of IO Supreme. This allows us to transition from the OLD Draconian LAW System to a NEW Earth Alliance of Living LORE in a Cooperative Mahi-tahi Foundation and Global Alliance.
10 Hours Voluntary Community Service from each Subscribing Member.
Sponsor 10 New Subscribers within the first month of joining, then 1 New Subscriber each month thereafter.
Then JOIN our own infrastructure that uses our own private medium of exchange as an alternative solution to the monetary fiat currency failing system. Our AURA Gold Light Credit-Ether is people-backed by the energy exchange, products and services exchanged on our very own advertising trade and barter platforms, which provides true intrinsic value for future economic sustainability.
EARN commissions or discounts on sales and purchases of big ticket items such as real estate, business ventures, business directory services, commission sales on assorted services and more.
History of United Tribes of Aotearo[h]a & Our Whenua
[MRJ] Māori / Māuri Restorative Justice
Our Brothers in Terra Australis - Thank you Bruce
Admiralty LAW - Corpus Juris
LAW = Land, Air, Sea Military Law. Man-made policy enforcement, contract or commerce law. Federal Law is FRAUD or simply put a LIE to enslave humanity by a fictitious dead entity corporation, STRAW-Man Birth Certificate attached to a Cestui Que Vie Trust Account, Slave Bond Number that makes everyone property of the State. Watch the video to gain inner-standing.
Natural Common LAW of the Land - Corpus Juris