Environment - No GMO, Chemtrails, Nuclear power, produce and product including those made by those enslaved or any other thing with the potential to destroy creation and humanity and well being shall be placed upon or in the Sovereign Country or her territories or the sovereign heirs of the lands. Do not spray poison on our native wasp or bee. Cease to cut our natural and native forest down. Learn to ask and receive permission granted before you take from the sacred. Learn to give when you receive If you take you must give back.
Fauna and Flora - We are so grateful to each blade of grass, to each petal on a flower, to each leaf on a tree. For the harmony we feel is the same harmony that the flowers and trees feel, and which enables us to grow in stature and accounts for the enormity in size of our trees, which tower above the ground like your skyscrapers, because nothing is holding them back. They and we are free to grow in size, free to expand ourselves, because everything is in a state of expansion.
Trees - The trees are Majestic Beings, evolved beyond anything your thoughts can picture. And they wait for you to recognize them also as the stewards of the land, as the Cetaceans are the stewards of the sea, always giving you the oxygen you need, and absorbing the pollutants you create. And what do you do in return for this gift of life? You cut them down, you move them out of your way, and you ignore them. They are yearning to communicate with you, yearning to feel your touch and embrace you in their love and energy. Go to them,talk to them, sit with them, as they stand vigilant over your homes and communities as protectors of your very lives. Talk to them, and they will answer. They have been waiting eons to have humans reconnect to them again. Nature will free you. You will regain your balance, you will regain your will to dream and to rebuild your lives in accordance with the Laws of Nature, not the laws of man. Fisheries - Go with the seasons, let the Spiritual Guides pronounce where and when there is to be fishing and learn once more to talk again to nature.